• Exit.Exploitation - Decrease the demand!

    Let’s talk the real Talk – Prostitution is sexual Abuse

    Welcome to our first Episode! We know it’s a strong topic, but guess what? It’s healing!!! It’s all about looking the truth in the eye and let God make a change!

    Human Trafficking needs to be stopped, most christians agree on this, but not much talk about how.. saving the ensalved is one thing, but we NEED to decrease the demand! One way to do so is to talk about the seller & buyer and to end Prostitution. No one is for Sale!! Only if we start to get this, we will be able to make a real move.
    There is no such thing as „normal“ prostitution, there is not a „normal“ sexual abuse! A sexual act who was no agreed on is sexual abuse, the person who got prostituted eventually says yes to the money – but never to the sex! If you start to understand this, you begin to see how big human trafficking really is and why all of us have to Take a Stand!

    It doesn’t matter if you were a consumer of Pornography, you paid to have Sex with a person who was prostituted.. or you are or were prostituted.. we need to talk the real talk! It’s about Family and the Holiness of Sex, the highest level of intimacy God intendant for body, spirit and soul.. it’s NOT just physical!
    What can you do?
    Start to take shame away and talk! Start the process of healing and reconciliation, ask your Pastor or Leader to invite Ministries to help the man in the church get healing also women! Work on your view what marriage is and find God in all of this.
    How to help the victims? Pay a brideprice, the Bible says a few things on the topic of taking women which is not yours.. one thing is not only being sorry and have a emotional redemption moment, but actually do something.. You do not need to display yourself and put shame on you, but support organizations who help people get out, you can help paying for education programs or other needs and change the course of life for many.. this could be a bride price you to make reconciliation visible.. but more in the podcast.
    Enjoy it! Team Exit >> Exploitation and Mônica